Wednesday, November 26, 2008

For Work-Life Balance, Happiness & More - Stay 1 Step Ahead of Your Job..

Yes, I said 1 step ahead "of" the job. I actually meant to say that it makes perfect sense to be 1 step ahead of what you have to do today. Imagine that you are qualified to do the job of a PM. You have the potential, but you actually choose to remain a Team Lead for a little longer. You are ahead of your job so hopefully there are chances that 80% of the time, you finish your work in 8hrs and head home. Also, you do the job bloody well to earn lot of appreciation and more. You get more time to do the so called "value add" activities for the company and earn even more accolades. You then spend some time learning the PM's job and move into the PM role when you already have done a lot of standard activities involved. So there again, you are better than what you are to do.
Given that most of us have 35yrs or more of a career to survive, why not spend enough time at every step learning & doing things. Nothing beats experience. Not even great talent. Sometimes you just have to be there long enough to know things. So why rush from a Programmer to Module Lead to Project Lead to Project Manager in 8years and then stagnate for the next 10? All the while losing sleep and the prime years in life??

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