Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And I take the plunge today...

A few weeks ago, I'd left a comment on Radha's blog (http://petty-change.blogspot.com/) on things to do before turning 30. Learning to swim was on it. The Gym package I've enrolled for, includes swimming. I could have saved Rs.5000/- opting for a "Gym Only" pacakge but I've always wanted to learn to swim. But gymming has such a macho feel to it that I never bothered about the pool. I'm going to the Gym doesn't sound the same as I'm off to the pool for a swim. As if swimming is only a leisurely activity while Gymming is serious body building stuff (read weight loss!).
So here i was at the gym last night and half way through (after almost an year at the gym), something snapped. I just got bored bored bored bored of it all. Same weights, same routine more or less, the same boring & loud music & pretty much the same ME! I got out of the gym, paid for the swimming instructor, and left. I must admit that I've never felt so good in the past few months! It was as if I'd climbed a huge fence to get across in the open! Haven't been so excited about anything since Ladakh. :) Enough of it I guess else I start sounding stupid. But.....Feels damn cool!!


Easwar Subramanian said...

How much time do you have to learn swimming? :)

Nilesh said...

I well past the deadline mate!Trust you to ask these questions. ;-) But if Shahrukh can get 6packs at 42 and do dard-e-disco, I've got enough time to learn to swim. :-)

Radha said...

I'm yet to join a gym :-)

I need to stop procrastinating!

lol @ "But gymming has such a macho feel to it that I never bothered about the pool."

Nilesh said...

@Radha - Gym? Go girl! But remember, at 30, it takes forever to make any meaningful difference to your appearance. But yeh, what it does to your stamina and general health more than makes up for it. :)

@Easwar - I can actually crawl in the pool from point-a to point-b now! The kids in the pool are sympathetic too offering tips on how to improve my strokes! :)