Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HP Ride - The bike is now prepped.

Its hard to focus on work when all you want to do is get away so bad. The last update i posted was on 11th but the prep was always on in the background. I had made sure that the bike was given in good hands to be readied for the ride while i chipped away at "mountains" of work in the office. And guess what? The bike is done and runs like new! Not sure it ran this well the day i picked it up, brand new from the showroom.
Kunal, the mech, has done a thorough job on only 1 instruction - the bike is going places where even army trucks are rarely spotted. The wallet was drained empty 1 nut at a time. But on rides like this, other than the safety gear, its the bikes condition that decides the degree of pain you may save yourself. Especially in freak weather at 15000ft.
Here is how much it costs to "new up" an old bike.

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