Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Opening Soon! -- Pune's Rain Museum

With the monsoon fast becoming an extinct season, at least from Pune, I see a potential in opening a "Rain Museum" at Lonavala. Lonavala is a small town perched on hills about 50kms from Pune towards Mumbai. It is the location I choose cause when the monsoon becomes extinct in Pune, i hope this place will continue to experience at least a drizzle. I know my idea is waaaay ahead of its time but if I start today, I will have an enviable collection on display in 10yrs time when the Museum opens its doors.
A few things I've in mind as exhibits:
1. A Section to display just Rain Gear -- Umbrellas, Gum Boots, Rain Coats (Duckback & Transparent Polythene kinds)
2. A clothes Section to display variety of clothes splashed with muddy water -- Dhoti's, Sari's, Shirts, Lungi's, School Uniform, T-Shirts, Jeans, Skirts etc. All with a lot of daag-dhabbe. Framed ala the Emporer's clothes we see enclosed in glass at any museum.
3. Animal Section displaying -- Species of Frogs, Earthworms, Snails

4. A Motion Picture section -- This will show case all those ads, movies, documentaries, news clippings about or show casing Rains, Floods, Thunder Storms, Tsunami, Water Falls, Rivers. The news clips would give interesting insights into city life since the archives will be filled with how rains would maroon the urban life bringing it to a stand still in those golden years of monsoon!
5. Working exhibits displaying -- Roads full of pot holes, A Rain Shower simulating various degrees of down pour (You can rent rain coats, umbrellas etc and get wet in real!!), Working models of Water Parks, Working models of Dams & Bridges with Water flowing.

6. A Pictures section -- It would have pictures on display that would bring out the essence of monsoons. The experience will be enhanced to ensure people travel back to the days of monsoon with this section being softly fragrant with the smells of wet earth (Pretty hi-tech!). The pictures on display would show kids playing in puddles, people walking to work-kids to school with umbrella's, Vehicles sailing through knee deep water on roads, people flocking under the water falls around Pune, the green carpet around Pune, kids making paper boats, traffic jams on express highway due to accidents, pictures of walls collapsing. The list is endless!

7. A Food plaza -- The main draw that will allow people to sample the food/snacks that used to be a hot favourite amongst people during monsoons. Wada Pav, Bhajiya, Bhutta, Steaming Sadha Waran-Bhat-Kadhi with Ghee & piping hot Chai.
I'll try to make sure that the entry fees are within the reach of the common man but without generous donations, the "Rain Museum" will only remain an idea. So donate generously! :-)

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