Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The top job during recession...

If you recently had to take a paycut or have been unfortunate to lose your job, I know how hard you must be looking to find another job, similar in nature & pay. But after watching the T.V. News channels being aired in US for well over two months, I think an easier, more glamourous and much more lucarative job is right in front of you. I mean really right in front of you! Its recession proof & pays exponentially well during a bull run.
Become an Analyst! Yes, just do something and get yourself on a chat show about anything to do with recession or economy. During good times & bad, the amount of analysis that gets done & shared on T.V. beats the total amount of research documented in the living history. And with the option of tuning into well over 100 channels playing News 24x7, there are lot of Analyst jobs out there! Wear an expensive suit (rent it!) and mumble things that you have already heard on some other TV channel but didn't understand. Chances are that no one else would understand them either. Even if there are some who understand, the probability of them choosing this particular news channel over 100 others is what?
A couple of shows and you can become a regular. And once you are regular, you can virtually talk about any topic that starts with syllables "Eco" or "Mar"! There you go! A permanent, recession proof job. And guess what? You are on T.V.!! Look at this picture. Does it look so hard???? :-)


dotcomgirl said...

And I thought I was the only one who didn't get what they were saying! Phew! That's a big load off my mind. Thanx Nilesh!

the jerk said...

ok here goes...

if we analyze the current economic indicators the consumption of liquor, drugs and sex have tripled. It is believed that this may be the way to get out of the current recessionary trend. World over the governments are coming out with new bailout packages keeping these three as the center of the development 'thrust'

worry not my dear friends...the recession can't remain 'erect' much longer with such 'electrifying stimulus' and then we'll be all 'humping' away to glory